
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stages of Life

Crystal the Child

Accessories: Winston my stuffed dog

Wardrobe: Stretchy pants with stirrups on the end. I truly thought those would never come back, but alas, I was wrong. Oh, and tall socks.

Books: Amelia Bedelia, Nancy Drew, Encyclopedia Brown (my first literary crush; I was soooo jealous of Sally), Hardy Boys and Boxcar Children, among thousands of others. I was homeschooled, AKA I read a lot.

TV shows: Family Matters, Boy Meets World, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Favorites: School, being outside and the Creswell Library

Crystal the Adolescent

Accessories: Big bangs & a True Love Waits ring

Wardrobe: Garage sale finds and anything from the Murphy Bag (it sounds like an upscale 2nd-hand boutique...just stick with that).

Books: anything by C.S. Lewis, Frank Peretti, Janette Oke and Ted Dekker

TV Shows: I barely watched any TV during this period. My life was so full of piano, school, work, church and family that I cannot recall watching anything other than sports.

Favorites: losing weight, getting straight A's, dreaming of college boys

Crystal the Childless Adult

Accessories: Hats and beanies, my wedding ring, peacoats!

Wardrobe: Because of the Idaho weather, here's how that went. In summer: as little as possible. In winter: as much as possible. In between: sundresses and anything that accentuates my small waist and rib cage and hides my not-so-small everything else.

Books: the classics. Biographies. Anything not related to the boring stuff my professors made me read.

TV shows: Friends, Frasier, Home Improvement, Golden Girls & Dancing with the Stars

Favorites: spending time ALONE with my husband, making last-minute plans and keeping them, playing board games late into the night with friends, no kangaroo pouch on my stomach, an insane volunteer schedule and making $.

Crystal with a Child

Accesories: a much bigger purse than I ever truly like, to serve double-duty as diaper bag and purse. Oh, and a nursing wrap (they come very trendily now, by the way).

Wardobe: anything that cleans well and still looks cute. Bonus: easy access for nursing.

Books: The Power of a Praying Parent & The Birth Order Book

TV shows: American Idol, Lie to Me and The Jay Leno Show

Favorites: snuggling, chubby thighs (not mine!), stolen date nights and vacations.

So what are your life stages?


  1. LOVE IT!! Great job- play date to come soon... I loved reading this and have lots of questions for yOU!

  2. Well, at my age there are lots of stages to think about. It'll take me awhile. Good read though, thanks.

  3. Super creative post Crystal!

    Um... you're not still nursing Jack though right? Your with child section has a lot about nursing and he looks like such a big boy in the picture!

    P.S. Your stomach looks at least as good as it did pre-kids. Maybe better so no complaining.

  4. I am commenting on Jills post about Nursing... toddler nursing is just fine and I still nurse my toddler. There are many Nutritional Value - The nutritional needs of nursing toddlers are better met when breastmilk is a part of their diets. Breastmilk provides high amounts of protein and vitamins which are essential to growing children.
    Emotional Bonds - The bond that is developed between a breastfeeding mother and baby is further strengthened the longer the child nurses.
    Better Health - The longer a child breastfeeds, the more immunities he will build up against diseases. Additionally, breastfeeding babies and toddlers are less likely to suffer from allergies and asthma.
    It is common practice in many countries and cultures to breastfeed until a child is four years old or older. However, as more and more women choose to nurse their toddlers, this practice may become more commonplace in the United States. Until then, remember that it is the moms right to continue to breastfeed your child as long as it is agreeable to both you and your child.


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