
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Young, Single & Sterilized

A friend recently pointed out an interesting article published in a popular British women's magazine. In it, several women in their 20s discuss their reasons for getting sterilized at such a young age. The most popular? They didn't want to be bothered with the responsibility of children.

The most popular place to get sterilized in Britain is the Marie Stopes International clinic, named for a Nazi eugenicist who believed in forced abortions and sterilization for non-whites and those of "bad character."

Read the full article here:

Anyways, this article stirred up a lot of feelings in me. The women interviewed said they never wanted to be a mom, even when they were little.Neither did I. I always played secretary, or outside, or anything to do with a job and career. I hated playing house when forced, and even when I grew older, I never had an overwhelming desire to have children. I can understand a little of what these girls are thinking.

But the similarities end there. The girls talk of children as if they were parasites or a disease. What cracks me up is how they thought they knew at 18 exactly what they were going to want for the rest of their lives.

I know not everyone wants children, and I think that is perfectly okay. I don't think every woman was made to be a mother. What bothers me is the general disdain this article has for life, as if hooking up with good-looking strangers (prevalent in modern British culture) is all there is to it, and how dare any innocent baby stand in the way of wild and strings-free sex.

I had huge plans before I had Jack, and I still do. He has definitely changed them, but I have GROWN so much since becoming a mother. My focus has shifted away from me and onto someone else. Motherhood is the most selfless adventure I've ever undertaken.

How sad that a few British women can influence other young girls around them to view that selflessness as a weakening, a thing to be avoided at all costs, and put the idol of self-love in its place.


  1. They should follow these women and ask them in 10 years if they wish they'd done things differently.

    On the flip side, I approve of women who are careless with life becoming sterilized. They change only themselves and cannot hurt any unborn babies in the future.

  2. Crystal,

    This is one of the best blogs I have read lately on a serious subject. I also couldn't agree more with Jill's response. I am very proud and fortunate to have you both as daughters (oh, yes, I guess should also thank Steve and Kathi).



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